Values & Commitment

Bridge builder, reliable partner and service guarantor

Values & Commitment

"Building bridges" - this was the slogan under which catworkx GmbH was founded in 1999 as a service and system house. The basic idea behind this slogan describes the technological bridge-building between different IT components and a distinctive service culture that guarantees an open and transparent partnership with our customers. This company philosophy has significantly shaped our projects and our actions since our foundation almost 25 years ago. Over the course of almost a quarter of a century, the strategic orientation of catworkx GmbH has continuously evolved: Our slogan "catworkx, that works" continues to reflect a refreshing new direction as well as our progress and vision.

Bridge builder

Since 2014, catworkx has specialized 100% in Atlassian consulting and services. As an Atlassian partner from the very beginning, the catworkx team can draw on more than 17 years of customer and application experience and a high level of technical expertise. Today, we build bridges for our clients between the various components of their Atlassian infrastructure. We integrate systems, products and applications, we connect companies with their customers, we advise and train teams for the effective use of Atlassian tools and thus ensure smooth collaboration at all locations.

Reliable partner

Our collaboration with our customers, including numerous long-standing regular customers, is based on a spirit of partnership. In an intensive exchange, we analyze the requirements of the company and its employees for the individual implementation of digital business processes. In terms of technology and ergonomics, we design solutions that optimally support teams in their work.

Service guarantor

As part of our strong service culture, we also offer our customers service level agreements (SLAs) for consulting services and/or support for the operation of their systems. To ensure maximum transparency, customers are given access to a Jira dashboard with all relevant data on their service contracts, on non-billable expenses incurred by our employees and on orders that were performed over and above the service contracts.

Bild Code of Conduct
Unternehmenswerte catworkx - agil, innovativ, veränderungsbereit, authentisch, ehrlich, hochprofessionell

Our Code of Conduct

Developing sustainable relationships
Protection of information and assets
Responsibility for people and the environment
Integral behavior in everyday working life

Social Commitment

In addition to its business responsibility, every company also has a social responsibility. catworkx has been supporting several social projects, regional and international organizations for years and is active as a sponsor in the promotion of sport and young talent.

Pledge 1%

catworkx is a Pledge 1% member. Pledge 1% was launched a few years ago by Atlassian and Salesforce and is a movement that encourages companies to donate 1% from various business areas (equity, profit, product, time) to charitable organizations and projects and thus give something back to society.

Other projects supported by catworkx are:
  • Doctors without borders 
    Radio Hamburg -
    Listeners help children
    Room to read
    Main sponsor Hamburg Horner TV -